Playing For Keeps Piano Studio
Policies & Goals
About Your Tuition
- Your tuition, packaged as a Monthly Membership Fee, is an all-inclusive model to include 40 lessons or other learning opportunities per year. These include a range of 1 to 5 lessons per month.
- We operate on a modified year-round basis: there will be lessons in the summer. We observe several major Holidays, 1 Teacher Training Week, and a lighter summer schedule. There will be no classes during the entire week containing an observed holiday (see the current studio calendar). The flat monthly rate takes into consideration that all students will receive 40 lessons or other learning opportunities. Some months will contain fewer lessons than other months, but your tuition will not fluctuate month to month and will be due each month of the year.
- Tuition/membership fee is based on enrollment, n0t attendance.
- To maximize the value of your tuition, consistent class attendance and participation at all learning opportunities is highly encouraged.
Payments and Cancellations
- Start-up costs include first’s and last month’s tuition and a registration fee.
- Your ongoing Monthly Membership Fee (Tuition) is due on the 20th of each month to secure your spot for the following month. Your fee will be charged to the debit/credit card we have on file for you. A link and instructions will be sent to you.
- If you wish to discontinue lessons, we require a 30-day written cancellation notice. This enables us to modify teacher and student schedules accordingly. Please email mrsg@playingforkeepspiano.com with your cancellation request.
Tuition Discounts
- We offer a 10% sibling discount for the 2nd and subsequent student(s) within the same family, providing they are in the same group lesson. The 10% discount is applied to the tuition of equal or lesser value.
- Students who prepay for 6-months will receive a 5% discount (not to be combined with any other discount).
- Discounts cannot be combined with other promotional offers.
Referral Bonuses
- Earn a $50 cash referral bonus for every new enrollment referred by you! Plus, the student you refer can earn a discount on their initial tuition payment.
- Must be an existing PFKPS student to be eligible for referral bonus program.
- Bonuses are paid to referring student after the new student completes their first full month of lessons.
Student Materials
- Materials are to be purchased by the student directly from the Simply Music Student website at https://students.simplymusic.com. Your teacher will inform you of the materials required for your lessons.
- Using your student home materials as directed by your teacher is crucial and required for progress.
- Please make sure your Simply Music Student account is connected to our studio through Rochelle Giordano: Teacher ID #259.
The Practice App & The Power Practice Package
- All students will be given access to their own account with Better Practice at https://betterpracticeapp.com, a web-based application where teachers will add student assignments and where students will track their practice.
- Students are expected to practice most days of the week to ensure progress and utilize any/all the student home materials as directed by the teacher.
- For additional practice support, students may purchase access to The Power Practice Package. This package includes a teacher-supervised practice following the weekly lesson, and one other practice, online, during the teacher’s office hours with the teacher available to answer questions and give feedback to ensure accuracy and efficiency in practice.
Lesson Duration
- Private lessons are 25-30 minutes.
- Shared/Group lessons are 30-50 minutes, depending on the number of students:
- 30 minutes for 2 students
- 35 minutes for 3 students
- 45 minutes for 4 students
- 50 minutes for 5- 6 students
Attendance & Absences
- When you enroll in lessons, you are paying to secure a specific time, on a specific day with your teacher. This is the time that you are paying for, and this time is reserved indefinitely as your lesson time. As such, lessons missed for any reason cannot be credited, refunded, or “made up”. Tuition/membership fee is based on enrollment, n0t attendance.
- If you need to make a permanent schedule change after you’ve already started lessons, please notify us at least 2 weeks in advance.
- Regular and prompt attendance is required to make appropriate progress. Please plan to arrive and depart from lessons on time as this will help facilitate efficient use of class time.
- In case of absence, students are responsible for notifying the studio and checking their assignments on Better Practice App, especially if they are in group lessons.
- Global Make Up Days. Each student is eligible to qualify for 2 make ups per piano (school) year. You must notify the studio by 7:30pm the day before your lesson in order to qualify to be placed on the list for the Global Make Up Day. Global Make Up Days may be group lessons or workshops, may be online, may be video a lesson, will be scheduled in advance, and are usually in the summer. Email MrsG@playingforkeepspiano.com.
- Make-up lessons that are missed are considered forfeited.
- Parents are expected to stay in class during their child’s lessons. Siblings and friends are allowed to sit in on lessons if they observe classroom etiquette and are supervised. We also reserve the right to ask individuals to wait outside.
- Information specific to online lessons can be found on the online lessons page.
- There are exceptions for planned vacations with advanced notice. Please email MrsG@playingforkeepspiano.com.
- If you must miss lessons for an extended amount of time, please notify the studio in advance to work out a lesson plan.
- Pre-payment is required for the month you will be returning in order to reserve your spot.
- Keep in mind, however, that continuation within the same shared lesson/group may require additional private lessons at your expense to catch up with the group.
Our goal at Playing For Keeps Piano Studio is to increase the likelihood that you will retain music as a life-long companion.
We think you’ll find a good friend in your piano!