2024-25 Studio Schedule
Observed Holidays: No Lessons / No Tutoring:
Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Teacher Training Week: TBD by individual instructor. The Teacher Training Week is reserved and dedicated time for all PFKPS teachers to conduct ongoing education and training to maintain licensing status.
Dates of Lessons-Tuesdays and Wednesdays:
Sept. 10 & 11
17 & 18
24 & 25
Oct. 1 & 2
8 & 9
15 & 16
22 & 23
29 & 30
Nov. 5 & 6
12 & 13
19 & 20
Dec. 3 & 4
10 & 11
17 & 18
Jan. 7 & 8
14 & 15
21 & 22
28 & 29
Feb. 4 & 5
11 & 12
18 & 19
25 & 26
Mar. 4 & 5
11 & 12
18 & 19
25 & 26
Apr. 1 & 2
8 & 9
29 & 30
May 6 & 7
13 & 14
20 & 21
8 lessons spread across Jun/July/Aug: Dates TBD
*Schedule subject to change
Updated 7/31/24