All About Playing For Keeps Piano Studio!
Chino Hills Piano Lessons! Online piano lessons! Watch The Video Below!
Limited Spots Available For In-Person Lessons Starting September 2023!
Piano Lessons Chino Hills / Inland Empire and Surrounding Areas!
Playing For Keeps Piano Studio In the Inland Empire Area Offers Online Chino Hills Piano Lessons Using The Breakthrough Australian-Developed Piano Method From The World Leader In Playing-Based Music Education!
Whether Your Chino Hills Piano Lessons Are In studio Or Live Online, Our Innovative Approach Makes Learning The Piano Easy And Fun!
When you think of piano lessons,
what image comes to your mind?
Your child painstakingly
learning to read a few notes
at a time in order to play a song
…with very little musicality?
The Problem Lies In The Misconception That “Piano Lessons Chino Hills” Have To Be A Series Of Tedious Lessons, Endless Drills, And Confusing Theory.
…and getting your child to practice.
And making sure your child knows how to practice.
This is where a lot of piano journeys end:
at the piano bench with
a frustrated student and a parent who has lost their patience with the whole process.
All for lack of the proper tools for success.
Did you know most piano students quit within the first 2 years?
Did you know the lack of proper practice habits is the reason for most of the at-home frustration?
Students quit too soon and parents are not pleased.
Who is to blame?
The student?
The teacher?
The parent?
The method?
The answer is a bit of everything.
Here’s what I mean…
Most teachers are pretty much still teaching the same way that piano teachers have been teaching for the past 300 years. The results – year after year the same. Most students struggle, few survive. No big surprise.
What about the dreaded practice? Students at some point hate to practice and parents hate to force their children to practice.
True, but it’s because most teachers, even those teaching Chino Hills piano lessons, do not know how to take advantage of cutting-edge technology to help their students practice better. In addition, they are not aware of strategies that could help students keep playing the piano for years. To make music a life-long companion. To embrace the journey.
What if you could see past traditional thinking and use a piano method that’s easy to learn and fun to play?
What if you could use technology for good? To make practice fun, engaging and social?
What if you could become self-generative and continue to play for years to come?
What if you really knew how to embrace the journey that is learning to play a musical instrument?
Well, I have terrific news for you!
The Search For ‘Piano Lessons Chino Hills / Inland Empire’ Is Over!
At Playing For Keeps Piano Studio our piano lessons are of a different kind. We combine the right method, technology, and a sneaky advantage of our own to help you develop a love for piano. We’ll get you playing right away and keep you playing for a long time. We’ll help you foster a new friendship with your piano.
Our mission is to maximize the likelihood that our students make music their lifelong companion. We think we’re doing a pretty good job at it.
What Makes Playing For Keeps Piano Studio So Different?
The Method

The App

The Power Practice Package

Our students love being able to play different types of music from the start. They also love to share their skills with family and friends and enjoy sing-alongs!
The joy of music is not necessarily under the spotlight at Carnegie Hall, but in cozy homes where family and friends can gather for a night of music making. Taking piano lessons in Chino HIlls can be the musical family moments that you are looking for.
“The Simply Music Method and Rochelle rekindled our love for the piano at a crucial time when we were ready to walk away from piano lessons. It was a pivotal point that led to an explosion in the richness of life, learning and love of music that we could have never imagined! ”
Kacy Tribble, Parent, Norco, CA
Regardless Of How You Feel About “Piano Lessons Chino Hills”, We’ll Help Your Child Develop A Lifelong Friend In Their Piano
Call us today or ask for our FREE Information Video. You’ll be amazed at how quickly and easily you are going to learn this way. Corona Piano lessons online or in studio can be easy and fun.
Playing For Keeps Piano Studio
Chino Hills, CA 91709
(951) 465-5583